Rugby Sevens is a variant of rugby union in which teams are made up of seven players playing seven-minute halves. As a result, the games are usually fast paced and high scoring. The series runs from November to May with each heat acting as its own micro-competition with a round of quarter, semi, and finals for a trophy in each city. The series tours the world with a stop in some of the major cities in the sporting world, from Dubai to Hong Kong, Sydney, Los Angeles, and London.

After working with Sunset+Vine on the Autumn Nations Series and the Commonwealth Games 2022, I was asked to come on board as a Highlights Editor for the Rugby Sevens. I edited a highlight reel for each day of the games for the women's games. I was also responsible for editing the Impact Moments for the women's games during those days. Impact Moments are key moments chosen by DHL (a primary sponsor of the Rugby Sevens) and are used for shorts content on social media throughout the day. These Impact Moments had to be edited within 15-20 minutes of them actually happening in the game.

This work was completed at the Sunset+Vine Offices in London
Fri 3rd - Sun 5th March 2023
CAPE TOWN, South Africa
Fri 9th - Sun 11th December 2022
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates
Fri 2nd - Sat 3rd December 2022